What is The Best Fish Oil Supplement on The Market? This One Gets The Best Reviews.

Fish oil supplements are plentifully available in pharmacies, stores, and in a wide variety, but the truth is that some are better than others. One which I heard great reviews from and then ended up taking for a few years, and still today, particularly for my knee problems is Ultimate Omega, a product made by Nordic Naturals.

Now Ultimate Omega is considered to be one of the most potent fish oil supplements available and in my experiences, this potency was proven to me after I took it for a few months. But before I tell you about what I personally experienced from this, let me tell you what the person who originally introduced me to it said he felt:

  • Alleviation in joints, especially his elbows which had chronic pain.
  • White hairs turning black again.
  • An improvement in mobility. 

For me, hearing about his results, I was primarily interested in the joint relief since at the time I suffered from knee pain, I was ready to try anything.

The fish oil, joint relief connection:

Now fish oil supplements in general are known to have a high dosage of omega 3’s and omega 3’s are very well known for helping improve circulation in those areas. They are also good for the heart so in short, consuming anything with high omega 3’s helps with joint pain.

When it comes to Ultimate Omega, it is considered one of the most potent sources of omega 3’s and a natural source at that. There are probably at least 1,000 reviews from people who also take it like I do who report similar improvements in their joint health.

My personal experiences with Ultimate Omega:

At the time I started taking it, I was in a very downward period with my knee pain. I had it for many years before that and it was degenerating, all while I was trying to maintain a healthy, physical lifestyle.

So I tried taking it for a few months and I have to say, there was indeed a relief for me. Now my condition was pretty severe, in that I literally had arthritis like pain (in my 20’s by the way).

Now I will be honest in saying that Ultimate Omega didn’t completely alleviate my pain but there was a noticeable enough difference in that my knee mobility improved and I did experience less of the pain I normally would.

My case is a bit more extreme and believe me, prior to finding this supplement, I had tried many different things to help reduce the pain. For someone who had basically very little to nothing work, see the improvements one little supplement had made is a BIG testament to how good this product is. 

Who this fish oil is for:

  • Anyone with ANY joint problems.
  • Elderly people who suffer from arthritis or any reduced mobility/pain. 
  • Athletes who are at risk of injury from doing strenuous exercises that hurt the joints.
  • People seeking to lose weight. A bi-effect of this supplement is that it helps improve circulation/metabolism. You probably won’t get “drastic” results, but it will not hurt.
  • Anyone with muscle aches and pains also can benefit from this. Omega 3’s help with inflammation reduction so if you have pain, odds are there is some sort of inflammatory process happening in your body, for which this supplement will greatly help with.

How to take this supplement: 

If you decide to try this, you have a few ways:

1) For less serious cases or even prevention of possible joint injuries, you can take 2 of these capsules either at once with food or once during the morning, the later in the day (again with food).

2) Then there’s serious cases like mine in which you basically double the dosage and take 4 of these capsules a day, 2 during the morning and 2 later in the day (both times with food).

Of course, if you’ve never taken a fish oil supplement, you should talk to a professional, but if you have, you should consider upgrading to Ultimate Omega because odds are, the current one you’re taking is probably not on the same level as this one. 

3 supplement options to consider:

While Nordic Naturals, the company responsible for making Ultimate Omega has various products on the market for health (and you should check them out), when it comes to Ultimate Omega, you have 3 bottle options.

They are 60 capsules, 120 and 180. 

Normally, I tell people to start with the 60, which if taken in regular amounts helps you see if there’s improvements in a months time.

But I would say the following:

  • If you plan on taking it by yourself, don’t have joint problems or muscle pains and just want to do something preventive, take the 60 capsule bottle.
  • If you do have serious problems, do a 120 or 180 capsule bottle. For these situations, like I said, taking the higher dosage of 4 capsules a day will have you using this product anywhere from 30 days to 45 days.
  • If you plan on taking it with someone else and neither of you have joint problems or pains, do the 120 and test it out.
  • If one or both of you have pains or issues, take the 180 capsule option.

Personally, I buy the 180 bottle and share it with a family member or 2. So it ends up us dividing it 2 or 3 ways evenly. 

Am I happy with this fish oil? 

I personally am. I engage in VERY physical exercises so taking this in addition to eating in a way that reduces my risk of joint pain helps a ton. If there is ever an injury that happens to me or a need to recover a joint or muscle, I am almost always trying to make sure I take Ultimate Omega capsules to speed up the healing.

As I did say, for my BIG knee problem, it didn’t heal it fully, but it did help a significant amount. One thing I will say is that no matter what type of knee issue you have, as long as you muscles aren’t torn and/or your tendons/cartilage isn’t gone, you can definitely take Ultimate Omega and experience positive benefits.


  1. Win Bill Huang

    I have never heard of Ultimate Omega before, but it sounds like something that everybody living in America should take it.

    I am not sure whether everybody has joint pain or an arthritis problem, but this kind of high quality fish oil is perfect for those who eat too much trans fat (or take out foods to be more specific). Omega 3 is great for the heart and blood vessels because it prevents internal clogging which can form when you eat unhealthy fats.

    I just didn’t realize that it helps with joint pains too. I should take some too because I often get knee pains because I ran a lot back then. I know it probably won’t help it completely, but the extra lubrication would help smooth things out. If I combine it with yoga, I should do even better. What do you think?

    • admin

      That’s a good plan and I would also add that you should take hot showers to warm up the knee before your yoga sessions to increase elasticity, then afterwards take a cold shower to reduce the inflammation in the knees (if it happens). As for the supplements, they will help, but you will need to combine it with the right physical training like yoga to have longer, and more potent results. 

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