About Me.

Hi there, my name is Vitaliy. I am someone who unfortunately has a great deal of experience with knee pain. I have had it since I was 14 years old. 

What caused it for me was lyme disease and I explain my story fully here, but for well over a decade, I would suffer from horrendous pains in both my knees that would come and go with the seasons. During warmer seasons, it would be felt less, during cold ones, it would be felt more.

I basically had arthritis and unless I did something to fix it, I would until the end of my days continue to suffer. Because most medical doctors could not prescribe an effective treatment for me other than antibiotics initially, then recommend things like:

  • Surgery.
  • Glucosamine Chondroitin.
  • Ceasing to do any physical activity that would involve using my knees. 

I decided that these “solutions” weren’t actual solutions and that I had to find ways to cure me knee pains naturally. After exploring so many different options, going through many forms of depression from this ailment, I was finally able to find and do things that just about completely alleviated my knee pains. 

It was through this up and down journey that I realized that so many others also have knee and joint problems and perhaps, my knowledge and the horrible experiences I went through and found a solution to, could also help those who have the same problems.

Now I want to mention that just because my knee problems were caused by lyme disease doesn’t mean that the solutions I found will only suite people who also have the same problems caused by the same disease. 


Whatever caused your problems to occur, the solutions which I found though my own journey may very well end up working for you.

If nothing else, the least my advice will do is alleviate your problem and that itself is already a huge start. Anyone who suffers from knee pain knows the joy that comes from having even a slight improvement with their knees so if I can do at least that, I know I did a good deed. 

Thank you for reading about my knee pain journey and if you have any questions, the comments are open below.